Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Best Playstation 3 Ylod Fix

The ps3 yellow light of death is an annoying problem that a lot of gamers have had to deal with over and over again. In fact this issue affects a lot of gamers out there nowadays. And millions of ps3 owners have had to deal with the ps3 yellow light of death at one time or another.

And dealing with it can be a real pain. Especially after you have already spent hundreds of dollars on your ps3 including the console. The games. And cheat guides.
All the investment you put into it will go to waste unless something is done to take care of the ps3 yellow light of death issue that has been hurting your ps3 for a while now.
And one option some people might take is to ship their console out to Sony. Unfortunately this can be a very expensive way to fix this problem. Not only that. It will take quite a while before you can get back to playing your favorite games again.
The total cost to fix this issue can cost you $150+ shipping and handling. Also the total repair time will be 6 long weeks on average.
Most gamers wont want to deal with the long term waiting time or ridiculous charges. Especially when the yellow light problem has a pretty good chance of coming back again.
So the best method to fix the ylod ( yellow light of death ) problem will be to discover how to repair it on your own. And the entire repair process is pretty easy as well if you have a step by step guide to follow.
You won’t need any fancy tools either to fix the problems you’ve been having. All you need access to are some simple household items and the right ps3 repair guide. And before you know it you will be playing your favorite games again on your ps3.

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